There was a new face in the Art room, who was still in the learning phase, Mrs. Smith. After graduating from Neshaminy High School, Mrs. Smith was assigned to Upper Perk as a student teacher for Mrs. Lychock. Now, she has finished working towards her post-baccalaureate certification in Art Education at Kutztown University. She has now gone back to the university to broaden her education.
Originally, she had gone to school for illustration. She told the WSJ, “After graduating in 2020, getting into the freelance art industry was challenging, so I took up teaching art classes at local studios.” She found that being able to share art is what she’s most passionate about, and doing it with others is even better.

Mrs. Smith is learning to teach AP Studio Art, Art History, Digital Design, Digital Photography, and Painting. She stated that she can empathize with her students. She says, “Sitting still for long periods and listening to someone talk can be challenging, so I try to integrate time to move around or do something physical.”
When in UPSD, Mrs. Smith wanted to develop student projects that were interesting to both her and her students, ensuring there was always room for conversation. She said, “When you’re not passionate about something, it can be very hard to invest in your work. I learn as much from them as they do from me. I love seeing my students achieve things they never thought they would be able to do.” She believes students deserve a safe space to express themselves.
Unfortunately, student teaching does not offer much spare time. However, Mrs. Smith liked to go to the movies or play video games with her husband. She was competitive when it came to Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros. Her cat, Shirou, liked to join in and step on the controllers.
Mrs. Smith’s goal is to provide a positive classroom environment where her students can be themselves. Her last day was on the 12th of December. She hopes to graduate this month, getting into the position as an Art teacher.