With the cold months approaching, the UPSD Special Olympics hosted its annual Fall Fest to promote school-wide activities to enhance the holiday season, while also bringing the community together.
Fall Fest was held on November 12th from 2:30 to 4:00 pm in the gym. Students from Life Skills, Work Program, Special Olympics, and Perk Pals helped organize and run Fall Fest. Students Kristina Molnar and Larkin Gasda took on organizing the entire event.
Ms. Bamford, a Special Education teacher, reported to WSJ “It is student-led and driven with administrative approval and guidance from Perk Pals/Special Olympics teachers.” During Fall Fest, students were invited as long as they connected to Perk Pals, Ms. Bamford, and Mr. Thrush.
Participant and link crew member Mia Ulmer describes that “the event had many arts, crafts, and sports activities.” For example, the festival included face painting, ping pong, horseshoe, and even balloon making. Any students or teachers who brought family and friends came to the event to celebrate the autumn season.
As Ms. Bamford states, “Fall Fest is a Special Olympics event to help promote school-wide inclusive activities.” This was also to assist clubs within the school to help them gain more members, publicity, and promotion.
Leaders had asked that all clubs participate by having a specific activity to host.
The significance of Fall Fest was to help make the entirety of the UPSD community feel at home and provide a sense of security to families, staff, and students alike.